Monday, January 16, 2012

Dr. Mindbender's New BATs

Here is a second mini-dio using X-Large picture size.  Actually, Dr. Mindbender happens to star in most of the Cobra mini-dios. Hm. The preview just revealed that the X-Large size doesn't work with the blog format that has the extra items to the right. I'll fix. (Or, if there are no items to the right, I already fixed.)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mini: A New ARBCO Transport?

Time to test this out.  I originally posted  "A New ARBCO Transport?" on October 1, 2004.  Minis like this typically run five to 15 photos and have little production value such as the lack of a background.  They are also typically silly rather than serious and very often self-aware. In this case, how the front seat is out of scale.

Photos are currently set to the "large" preset.  There is an "X-Large" setting as well, so if these are too small to read, please let me know.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Joeverse History

What if...

After Trucial Abysmia, everything changed.

Fifteen Joes died during what became known as the Trucial Abysmia conflict.  Doc, Crankcase, Heavy Metal, Thunder, Breaker, Crazylegs, and Quick Kick were the first casualties, victims of a miscommunication from Cobra Commander. They were gunned down by the soon-to-be infamous SAW Viper, Robert Skelton. Avalanche, Blaster, Blocker, Dee-Jay, Knockdown, and Maverick were killed in route to the fighting. Cool Breeze and Sneak-Peek died in engagements during the conflict.  The number was staggering: over one-tenth of the entire GI Joe force at the time.  The unit was deactivated then decommissioned so its members could take stock and heal. Some stayed active within the military while others went to the private sector.

Cobra had won its first truly major offensive, effectively taking control of Behnzeen.  No longer would the countries of the world believe the island nation of Cobra to be beneath their notice.  No longer would the United States limit itself to a single brigade, no matter how elite its members.  No longer would Cobra's sleeper cells go unnoticed within NATO-allied nations.

When the Joes' last mission, a stealth fly-by of Behnzeen City, revealed the presence of a Terrordrome in violation of the recently-signed peace treaty, the President became livid.  The United States went to the United Nations, demanding retribution against Cobra and Cobra Commander in specific. In order to avert full-scale war, China and Russia found themselves in the unfamiliar role of peacekeepers. They hammered out a deal wherein Cobra had to renounce all claims and assets within the US, Behnzeen, and Trucial Abysmia in exchange for UN recognition.  Quietly, representatives from these powers informed Cobra Commander that, in no uncertain terms, that Cobra needed to fade from public memory as a terrorist force.  And, should Cobra begin to have designs on any of their interests, China and Russia would withdraw their support of Cobra and join in the US's desire to wipe every last Cobra from the face of the Earth. 

Coupled with an unprecedented bounty placed upon Cobra Commander's head, he chose to accept China and Russia's aid and curtail all activities. Cells in Europe were ordered to go into 'deep sleeper' status, an action which rankled certain Crimson Guard commanders placed within these cells. It was not that long ago when their cabal sided with Serpentor over the false Cobra Commander in the Cobra Civil War.

The full resources of the NSA and FBI went to task, rooting out not only corrupted Congressmen and other officials but entire sleeper towns; Cobra had to recall its populations in Broca Beach, Delhi Hills, and other cities overnight. The Treasury Department and Secret Service began to freeze not only Cobra but also Dreadnok assets; this served as the final sever between Zartan's organization and Cobra. They returned to their roots, riding the streets and highways, always a step ahead of the state troopers.

Destro and the Baroness had already given leave of Cobra and were not involved in the Trucial Abysmia conflict. Cobra Commander found that he had enough problems given the world's scrutiny, and instead of putting a 'hit' on Destro as a loose end and potential rival, he turned his focus to building a Nation from his followers. The Cobra Army trained as hard as ever, while Crystal Ball set aside his mesmer shield to become the Cobra Ambassador to the United Nations. Serving quietly in conflicts to the aid of other, like-minded tyrants, Cobra troops saw action in central Africa and Southeast Asia, even assisting certain breakaway republics after Russia's "collapse" to democracy.

In time, budget cuts removed the bounty for Cobra Commander, and the public began to forget the Caribbean nation's terrorist beginnings.  All that would change when Cobra Commander chose to renew his plans for conquest, beginning with a nanotech scheme ultimately proven to be masterminded by the Baroness and Destro's grown son from an earlier affair, Alexander McCullen.(Image/DDP #1)  The Baroness indeed has returned to an active role advising Cobra Commander on his schemes, although it is clear that Destro himself wants nothing to do with Cobra -- except strictly to supply the nation with arms and new, cutting edge military vehicles.